Amy Arnold

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level


I started running as a social activity to get to know people at my new job out of college. We started training for a half marathon and then another. As time went on, another friend convinced me to ride with her. I started increasing my distances and training became a way of stress relief and escape. I was hooked. I started creating bigger goals for myself after each accomplishment. I completed my first marathon in 2014 and then another in 2015.

Then, I decided I wanted to do an Ironman. March 2015 was my first sprint triathlon - a month after learning to swim. I struggled through the swim and was never so glad to be done with something. May 14, 2016, I crossed the finish line at Ironman Texas! I continue to set goals for myself and love training to see what I can get my body to do.

Are you giving the best of yourself right now? If the answer is no, change it the very next moment. If the answer is yes, you will have no regrets after- Coach Jessica Baxter