Andrew Woltman

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level


10 years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn's and fought for many years to accept that I would always be limited in my athletic abilities. One year ago I couldn’t run 5 miles without being gassed, needing my inhaler or having my insides hate me. In the last year I have become a healthier person by making better choices about what I fuel my body with, limiting the amount of gluten and unnatural sugars I am consuming. This journey also saw myself lose over 60 lbs and I have not used my inhaler in a year and best of all I have been off my Crohn's medicine for one year!

Best of all this journey has allowed me to fall in love with this great sport! I was a swimmer in high school and have always had a passion for riding my bike. The run has been my focus this first year, having never even run a 5k before. Training with TriDot has been a huge help, allowing me to cut over 20' off my 1:52.00 Half Marathon time and finish my first two triathlons last year.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9