Annette Maio

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half

Performance Level


I have been running for over 20 years. Having cold weather induced asthma, I used to take the winters off and spend time in the basement doing video workouts instead. When I retired from NYPD in June 2015, we packed up and moved to sunny Florida! I now found myself running outside 12 months of the year, 125+ mile months and getting very burned out. I saw some of my online running friends starting to do triathlons and thought, "Wow! I wanna be like the cool kids!" Except I had no bike. And I couldn't swim. Not only could I not swim, but, even though I grew up on the south shore of Long Island, was terrified of the ocean!

I got a cheap, used road bike and it immediately brought me back over 30 years ago to high school days where I used to love riding my bike everywhere! And in February 2017, I took my first swimming lesson! I worked very hard that summer and completed my first sprint that October and actually made podium for 3rd place Athena!

In 2018, I completed 2 more sprints and an international. I have just finished my first race using TriDot - IMFL 70.3 2019! Even though I am new to triathlons, (this being my 5th triathlon), I was confident that despite what I lacked in experience, TriDot training would get me to the finish line. I am now looking forward to a summer of fine tuning my skills with TriDot!