I started as a long distance runner, and still classify myself as such. I was talked into trying my first tri in 2008. A group of people I ran with said there was a local triathlete putting on a 6 week training group for those interested in trying a triathlon for the first time. I never thought about doing a triathlon previously but with a little peer pressure I thought ok, what the heck! I really had no interest in anything but running at the time. I found I really liked the cross training that triathlon gave me and subsequently ended up being one of only a couple of people from that running group to complete the training and compete in the tri. It was a mini tri, just enough to give you a feel, but I ended up taking 3rd overall and I was hooked. I jumped to a sprint tri, then an olympic and finally a local 70.3. The tri training group became an annual thing and as the local triathlete that trained us phased into new things in her life I found myself taking on the group, nine years later it is still going strong! Even though I still concentrate on distance running, as it is still my passion, I am still in love with the cross training and the accomplishment finishing a tri gives me. I find in triathlon you can be mediocre in one or two of the three sports, but there is something special about combining all three (or four if you count transitions) that can push even a mediocre athlete like myself into something amazing. I have three amazing kids, a husband, and I manage a locally owned specialty run shop. My plans this year include a fun little sprint at our local Y in April, an Olympic distance tri in July, and a 70.3 in September. I have been working through some injuries over the last year and a half, but I find the TriDot program gives me focus to continue to workout and train and even with injury I was able to complete a 70.3 last June.. I couldn't have done that without the TriDot program!
The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you decide to do
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