Brad Basa

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level

Highly Competitive

I have been an athlete my entire life, but I only used to run and bike as cardio work for the “main” sports I was playing. Around 5 years ago I did a Duathlon almost on accident and I started to get the multi-sport bug. A year after that first Duathlon, I found myself going thru an unexpected divorce…it was a very tough and dark time for me and I did a lot of self-reflection, needless to say I didn’t really like what I saw. I had lost my fire and had stop challenging myself…so I started run (and biking) thru the pain.

Early on, I never considered it training, it was therapy for me…it was a hour or two a day where I could be alone with my thoughts and feelings…and it changed my life! Being the ultra competitive, OCD engineer that I am, just training and working out wasn’t enough…I wanted to get better, stronger, and faster…and I wanted to learn and absorb everything that is Triathlon…that is when I found TriDot and my coach Jessica. It has been the perfect storm for me, the program and Jessica just seem to fit me and what I am trying to get out of all this…which using Triathlon as a vehicle to becoming a better person, period! I’m so excited to be part of this group and share all our successes together!

Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into a person who can