Britta Strother

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level


Throughout my life I have been driven to physically and mentally push myself past what I believed was possible. This determination to provide evidence of additional capacity for improvement was derived, I believe, from the culture of my immediate family. I am blessed to have been raised in a family of extraordinary people - in their athletic abilities as well as ethics. Both my older brother and younger sister excelled at their sports (swimming and basketball, respectfully) from an early age. I proudly identified as a "practice All-American". Never to have the official title but I would show up to every practice (swimming, cross country and golf) with the desire to put every ounce of myself into what I was focusing on. While my siblings would hang national championships on their walls I would go on to stroke my university's Varsity 8 to three NCAA Division III National Championship grand finals.

Triathlon came into my life following graduate school when I was desperate for an athletic purpose. Having swam competitively from a very young age through high school I was already at the top of my age group for swimming, I purchased my first road bike at the start of my first summer and restarted my relationship with running. As a sport it has provided me purpose to act/train towards a goal. More than my personal achievements it has given me a community of like minded individuals whom I consider my closest confidantes. I completed my first triathlons the summer of 2006 and was hooked. Over the last 13 years I have completed countless HIM's, Olympic and Sprint triathlons as well as two full IM's. I love the challenge of each distance and how different the strategy is for each.

I started using TriDot in preparation for my early and ambitious 2019 season. Over the years before I had progressed in my training from a local coached group, and more recently was using purchased-but not individualized-training plans. I was intrigued by TriDot for the data driven workouts it provides. My overarching goal of the year is to avoid burn out and remain invested throughout the calendar season. As such I structured my year with two early season HIM races (Oceanside and Madison) with a number of local Olympic distance races through the summer months and a late season local Long Course race. My greatest fear is burn out and injury.

TriDot has allowed me to use data to provide the confidence that I am training smartly to reach my race goals while avoid the pitfalls of burn out and injury.

Life is good to those who know how to live. I do not ever hope to accumulate great funds of worldly wealth, but I shall accumulate something far more valuable, a store of wonderful memories. When I reach the twilight of life I shall look back and say I'm glad I lived as I did, life has been good to me. -Sigurd Olson