Catherine Mayone

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level


When I started training for my first triathlon 8 years ago at age 42 I couldn’t swim a length of the pool. I was a recreational cyclist who had done one 5K running race 10 years earlier. I must have foreseen triathlon would become my sport because I started a blog – Swim Bike Run Survive – to chronicle my journey. I spent my first couple years getting comfortable with the swim and the sport, and then started increasing my distances but I found myself getting injured anytime I attempted to run past 10K so I resigned myself to sticking with the shorter distances. As my 50th birthday approached, I wanted a new challenge so I signed up for a 70.3 that also had an Aquabike, figuring I could always fall back to that if my running injuries came back. I knew I needed a new plan and approach since my times from a Half Iron Aquabike had yielded results that would give me a DNF in a branded Ironman race with time cutoffs. I signed up for the TriDot PSP in November 2017 “just to get started”. By the end of the PSP program, I decided TriDot was the plan for me! 2018 proved to be my best triathlon year ever as I PR’d multiple races and finished Ironman Atlantic City 70.3 feeling great. My first half Ironman was also my first half marathon and no injuries along the way! Instantly, I believed Anything is Possible and I’m currently training for my first full Ironman, Maryland, and will be doing Eagleman 70.3 to familiarize myself with the course. I’m also doing the NY Roadrunners 9+1 program in 2019 to gain guaranteed entry to the NYC marathon in 2020.

The paradox of sport is that it's both trivial and deeply significant. It can be play, entertainment, and a luxury. But it's also a celebration of what it means to be alive and to be human- Sarah True