Cristina Santana

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level

Highly Competitive

I didn’t start racing at all until I was 35 years old. I had been running for a couple of years and finally caved under the pressure of my running partners and signed up for a 5K. And the rest is history. I ran marathons and road races for about 6 years, until an injury forced me to have my first DNF on a marathon and sidelined me from running for at least 2 months. I knew I needed to do something else or I would go insane, and so the biking and swimming began. Since then I have done 3 half Ironman distances, one full Ironman and a handful of shorter distance triathlons. This year I’m focusing on improving my speed on every single distance and TriDot is my secret weapon!

To learn to succeed you must first learn to fail- Michael Jordan