Dan Ruble

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level


After playing a lot of sports in high school and a bit of soccer in college, I completed my first marathon in 1991. Work and family prevented much of a training schedule for the next decade, but I caught the running bug again after 9/11/01 and have completed about 25 marathons since then (along with a couple of shorter ultras, trail races, etc.). After a late 2009 marathon I had a nagging hamstring strain and decided to rest it for a few weeks. Not wanting to let my fitness level decline too much during this "rest" time, I joined the Masters Swimming program in my neighborhood. I could swim breaststroke all day but could barely swim 50 yards of freestyle without being totally gassed. Several of the people in the swim group were training for triathlons, and apparently that bug was contagious. Thanks to some good swim coaching and encouragement, I signed up for a sprint triathlon which I managed to finish without drowning! From then on I have mostly focused on triathlons, even though I still try to fit in a marathon every year as well as some bike rides with our neighborhood cycle club. I've mostly settled on the Olympic / International triathlon distance, but have competed five 70.3 triathlons and one full-distance race.

Training for my first (and only….so far) full-distance triathlon was when I first discovered TriDot. Holding down a full-time job, I knew couldn't train for 18-20 hours a week as some programs required. I met Jeff Booher at a race expo, and was quickly sold on the concept of a data-driven training program to maximize training efficiency without eating up my calendar and beating up my body. I had a great TriDot coach for the 140.6, and the program she guided me through helped me win first place in my AG (the only time so far that I have made the podium). I haven't prioritized the training time to tackle another full-distance race yet, but last year when I signed up for the Ironman Waco 70.3, it reminded me again of how great the TriDot program is. TriDot guided me to a respectable result with much more efficient and effective training than friends who purchased other training and coaching services. So it's a great honor and privilege to share the effectiveness of the TriDot program and resources.

Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us- Hebrews 12:1