Dave Chamberlain

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level


I came from racing Motocross to Triathlon in 2004, and have been hooked ever since. Continually trying to find a new gear for personal achievement in all 3 sports, as well as others like Mountain Biking. Thoroughly enjoy learning as much as I can around the sport whether that is gear, aero-tech, and especially nutrition. Nutrition is such a HUGE part of success or failure in our sport it is fascinating to learn more and more each day, as well as try/test what works best for me and try to help guide others.

My TriDot experience so far has been amazing and I really enjoy the philosophy and science behind what the people/platform offer. I look forward to many years of success and growth through TriDot and the great staff/fellow athletes involved. I would like to even one day be a coach and mentor. I have taken my ACE certification in the last couple of years just out of general interest but hope to apply that to part-time work in the coming years.

Pain is just weakness leaving the body