I started running when I was in my 30s to get some exercise in after having 3 children. I was interested in triathlons, but thought it was only for the elite pros that go to Kona. At a half marathon, I met a lady that said that she did triathlons. She told me how she could barely swim but was able to get through the race. Well, I can sort of swim and I’ve ridden a bike since I was 5, so in 2018, I gave it a go. I was hooked! I loved the variation of workouts and the triathlon people I met were so friendly.
I joined a tri team and pushed myself to go further and faster. I’ve done many sprints, Olympics and ½ Ironmans. I also completed 6 Ironmans. On the 5th Ironman, I was so exhausted from the constant pushing during the trainings that it finally all fell apart during the race. I barely dragged myself across the finish line. I was so discouraged and almost gave up altogether. Then I heard about TriDot Training.
I signed up with the PSP in November 2017. I couldn’t believe how good I felt after my trainings and how much more free time I had to spend with my family.
I completed my 6th Ironman using TriDot. I had my best bike time by almost an hour PR, and my finishing time was only 5 minutes off my PR Ironman time. And best of all, I felt good afterwards!
TriDot has helped me to love my triathlon training and racing again. Trust the process, the program really works!
The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you decide to do
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