Ernesto Quezada

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level

Highly Competitive

At the beginning of 2017, I didn't know anything about Triathlons. My brother-in-law came to visit one day and he mentioned that he was doing a triathlon and I didn't even know the order of the disciplines. Because of him, I decided to do one that year so I registered for an Olympic tri for September of that year. During training I learned that I could do it because I basically did one in my gym so I decided to make it more challenging and registered for my first half Ironman, IMAC70.3 which was scheduled for a week after the Olympic. The Olympic tri became my practice race for IMAC70.3 which I successfully completed in 5:32. I was tired but feeling completely satisfied with my result. Since I didn't die (haha), and my emotions were high, I was not thinking straight, so I said I wanted to do a full ironman now and registered for IMMD. It was then that TriDot appeared on my Facebook newsfeed. I knew I was going to need help for such a challenge so I joined Tridot's Preseason project and started training with TriDot January 2018. Not only did it prepare me for my first full Ironman but I finished in 10:46 which was better than I would have expected originally. I know that without TriDot I wouldn't have finished in that time and now I'm here to see how far I can go.

If I know I can do it, it no longer is a challenge. Not knowing if I can is what keeps me motivated to find what I am capable of