Katie Opie

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level

Highly Competitive

It all started out on a dare from my X-fiance in 2010 to race against him at Lake Stevens 70.3. Go big or go home right? I'm very competitive so I signed up without any previous tri's under my belt. I had a road bike and ran, liked to swim but never lap after lap in a pool. All I really needed was a wetsuit. How hard can this be? I decided it would be in my best interest to try a sprint and olympic distance first. I promptly finished a 2 sprints and an olympic before my first 70.3. I was amazed on how well I did. Podiumed on 3 of the 4 races. 2 yrs later I beat my X on the same course and his time at IMAZ in 2016 by over an hour.

From there triathlons have been my life. I have completed 3 ironman's, 5 half Ironmans, 1 aquabike half ironman, 5 Olympics, 14 Sprint's, 4 Marathons, 31 Half marathons and a handful of smaller running races varying from 5k-15k. I've been invited every year since 2010 to USAT Age Group National Championships but never participated.

I have been with TriDot for 5 months and love it. TriDot provides accountability and makes my life easy with a action plan written for me each day. All I have to do it execute it. "Trust your Training"

Trust your training