Katrine Stolarchuk

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Half, Full

Performance Level


Who does an Ironman the week before their wedding?! This girl! I love dabbling in any activity that I am presented with. Whether it’s hiking or snowboarding in the Alps (portable protein bars are essential), or doing hot yoga at a local studio, I love it all!

It all started when I began playing hockey, and decided to be a goaltender. This is a very competitive position, as we know, only one goalie from each team makes it onto the ice! I recognized I had to step up my game and be the best I could be if I wanted to be competitive. This lead me to taking up off-ice training where strength and conditioning became a passion. This brought me to playing travel hockey, and being a goalie camp instructor (yes, the only female amongst the boys). I then moved to England for my Masters degree where I took up competitive rowing and Olympic Weight Lifting on a national stage. Coming back to Windsor, I then found myself craving more sports, and hanging out with a triathlon crowd. This is when I decided to test my luck and buy a wetsuit, bike and running shoes. I dove head deep into Ironman Triathlon! Training with some local stars, I am fully entrenched in the pain of this sport, as nothing feels better mentally and physically than finishing these gruelling endeavours. I started with a local coach, and finished my first triathlon (which was IRONMAN 70.3 AZ) with a time of 6:27. I then started with TriDot and finished my next 70.3 at 5:28... almost an hour difference.

Since then I’ve been using TriDot for my triathlon training and stick to the plan religiously as I #trusttheprocess and know it works! Now I am apart of a national triathlon community, which allows me to meet other TriDot athletes at all my races!

Either push your limits or suffocate in your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.