Kay Grant

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half

Performance Level


I am the epitome of a late starter with tenacity!

I decided to try a Tri when I was 52. I did not own a bike, and did not know how to swim beyond minimal paddle stroke. I signed up for a class with 5 other beginner ladies and a 24 year old stud of a coach. I was deathly afraid to take my hands off of the handlebars to get a sip of water, so used a camel back. My first Tri was an Olympic in the mountains of Oregon, where the kayakers pointed me out as one to watch. Being Last became a norm for me. But for whatever reason I loved this new gig.

Eleven years later, I have completed two 70.3 races and myriads of Olympic and Sprint distance. I found TriDot on Facebook, decided to give it a try and have loved every moment of training with it, and the encouragement I get from my personal coach Kathy Hudson.

The race is not won in June, but in January, work today to party tomorrow