Kent Morris

TriDot Ambassador

Race Distances

Sprint, Olympic, Half, Full

Performance Level

Highly Competitive

I am 58 years old and I’ve been married for 32 years to Kathy. We have five grown children and six grandchildren.

I started triathlon in May of 2009 with a sprint race. I finished 12th out of 51 guys and was immediately hooked. I knew I could do better at every part of the race. I hired a coach and began training seriously. Since then I've done 70 triathlons. My first 70.3 was at the end of my first season and my first 140.6 was a year later at Ironman Florida. Six months later I did the inaugural Ironman Texas. For the next three years I only did Sprint and Olympic distance as I was ready to have my life back from all the 140.6 training hours. During these years I switched to an online training program. In April of 2014 I was fortunate enough to win a lottery slot to Kona. I trained hard and had a blast at Kona. I've always said since then that there is Ironman and then there's Kona! It was an incredible experience! After that, I decided to focus on racing 70.3's. 2015 proved to be a banner year for me. I finished in 3rd place at all three 70.3's, qualified for the 70.3 world's in Austria, achieved AWA Gold level and finished in 3rd at Escape from Alcatraz. But I also ended up with a stress fracture in my foot on the 3rd metatarsal. That prevented me from racing in the 70.3 worlds and was followed by three foot surgeries in 2016. That along with an emergency appendectomy caused me to miss most of that tri season. I did go to the ITU long course Nationals in November and qualified for the ITU Long Course World Championship in Penticton, Canada the following year. That was a 95 mile race and a real honor to represent Team USA! At the end of 2016, I hired a pro triathlete to coach me. By April of 2017 I found myself over trained and suffered from Adrenal Fatigue. I had no energy at all and had to stop training for a couple of months. It’s been two years and I'm just now starting to get back to normal. I did manage AWA Silver for 2017 and 2018 but it was not what I wanted. At the beginning of 2018 I decided to try TriDot Training and have since become a true believer! I love every aspect of the training program. In the past, I had coaches who sometimes didn't have time to look at my workouts and comments, so no adjustments were made. With TriDot, the AI is always on the job, even adjusting time and intensity based on the current weather forecast in my current location! I've learned to really trust the process and I've never felt over trained or so sore that I couldn't do the next workout. I used to always have to roll the knots out my legs, but I don't have to do that anymore. I think that's another good indication of training that's just right. I would highly recommend TriDot to any level athlete!

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse- Jim Rohn