Elizabeth James

TriDot Coach

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Since beginning my triathlon coaching career in 2015, I have coached beginner triathletes to multiple full-ironman distance finishers. Each athlete is a success story and I become fully invested in their journey. Triathlon is a complex sport that involves strength of body and mind. As a coach, I believe in developing the whole athlete: I strengthen athletes by challenging them physically and turning the mind from a potential enemy into an asset and ally. I encourage, I empathize, I understand. I guide, I push, I challenge. I make my athletes better, not only for a particular race, but also for a healthy life for years to come!


I have always had a passion for helping others find success, which is why I originally pursued a degree in education. My previous job experiences as a teacher, soccer coach, weight-loss coach, and group fitness instructor allowed me to embrace the opportunities to inspire, motivate, and encourage others. In everything I do, I strive for helping others reach beyond the potential they thought possible for themselves.

Athletics has always been a large part of my life. Growing up, I played soccer. I played from kindergarten through college, earning two state titles and all-state recognitions. When my husband and I began dating, we started training for marathons together and began our 50-state marathon journey. The more knowledge I gained about fitness and sport-specific training, the more I wanted to encourage others. I poured over the latest athletic research and soon became a group fitness instructor, weight-loss mentor, and running coach at a local gym. Through my connections at the gym, in July 2012, I participated in my first sprint-distance triathlon and immediately fell in love with the sport of triathlon. Since that initial experience, I have completed numerous sprint and Olympic distance races, 70.3 events, and four full-distance Ironman events, including the Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI.


“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share our riches, but to reveal in him his own.” –Benjamin Disreali

It is my goal as your coach to help you reveal your personal greatness—whether that be to reach the finish line of your first race, take your experience to a competitive level, or uncover a new distance or personal best. My coaching approach is very individualized to meet the specific needs of each athlete.

As a TriDot athlete before a TriDot coach, I have had the opportunity to experience first-hand the benefits of the TriDot Triathlon Training. Now as a coach, TriDot has given me the scientific insight necessary to provide top-notch coaching. TriDot allows technology to do what technology does best in optimizing training for the highest athletic potential while also allowing humans to do what humans do best-connect with athletes and allow for an ongoing exchange of information between coach and athlete to best serve each athlete as they balance the pursuit of their goals with family and/or work responsibilities.


Professional triathlete
USAT LIIE certified coach
Coached sprint, Olympic, 70.3, and 140.6 triathletes
Coached beginner athletes to multiple-ironman finishers
Kona qualifier and finisher
4x Ironman finisher
Boston marathon qualifier and finisher
Overall podium finishes in sprint, Olympic, and 70.3 distance triathlons
Age-Group Podium Finishes in 140.6 distance triathlons
Overall podium finishes in all running distances
Collegiate athlete
Group fitness instructor

Athlete Testimonials:
"In hindsight, I can't even imagine training for my first Ironman without Elizabeth. Elizabeth has been such an incredible wealth of knowledge and you can feel how passionate she is about her athletes. Elizabeth was able to structure workouts that accounted for my demanding job, weekends I was traveling, and my current fitness level. She was always available to answer my questions no matter how trivial or small, and truly helped me understand the TriDot system and software. In addition to her expertise as a coach, Elizabeth helped me believe in myself as athlete. I've been hitting paces on my run and swim intervals that I didn't believe possible, and she helped me really feel like I belong at the 70.3 and Ironman races. By discussing my nutrition plans, weekend logistics, gear bags, and talking me down when I start to overthink or spiral, I feel so incredibly prepared for my first crack at the 140.6 distance. She always seemed to know exactly what I needed, whether that was a celebration for a huge half-marathon PR, encouraging me to rest when I was getting run down, and the gentle but firm reminders to EAT MORE on the bike! I cannot recommend Elizabeth enough in combination with TriDot!" -Lauren

"Elizabeth is the coach in my corner, the inspiration to keep pushing myself towards a fit and better life, and the confidant for all my pre-race nerves. I always thought the idea of running a 5k was crazy let alone running a half marathon. Why would anyone want to run for a few hours straight? But with Elizabeth's guidance, I have been successful at completing two half marathons. I would have never been able to push myself to train and compete without her continual support. She always will make time to answer any questions or concerns I have. Her enthusiasm for working with athletes and joy of seeing them cross the finish line makes me want to push myself harder for future races. She is an excellent coach and with her help has helped me gain more fitness confidence in my life." -Benjamin

"There have been moments where I have questioned myself and my abilities. Am I able to complete this challenge? Elizabeth's confidence in me, and her gentle voice saying, "you got this," has kept me going during the tough times. I know every athlete and every race has its own story, and Ironman Colorado, 2018, was mine. As tears were running down my cheeks, I did make it and crossed the finish line. Elizabeth has been my biggest cheerleader and coach, fine tuning and making adjustments in my training to achieve goals I have never thought were possible." -Elisa

The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share our riches, but to reveal in him his own– Benjamin Disreali