Michelle Edwards

TriDot Coach

Race Distances

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At age 40, after years of battling my weight I started running with a local group and ran my first marathon in Iceland. A few years later I got into triathlon and fell in love! During my journey, I have gotten healthier and gained confidence. Triathlon, and TriDot especially, has given me so much that I wanted to give back.

As a “woman of a certain age” (over 50), I have a special interest in understanding how pursuing an active lifestyle can help us stay both mentally and physically healthier as we age. I believe we can get faster and stronger as we age, and that older athletes need specific consideration with regards to training and nutrition. Fortunately, TriDot helps on the training side! The friendly competition and camaraderie found in triathlon provides a community to support us in these goals. I’m excited to work with athletes of all ages and levels to help them achieve their goals.


I have a PhD in neuroscience and have worked in safety and risk management for 15 years. This experience helps with understanding that training (and life!) are a balance between risk and reward.


I want to help guide my athletes towards their goals, whatever those may be. For the vast majority of us, triathlon is a hobby and should be fun. Life happens and sometimes other things need to take priority over training. I will work with my athletes to use TriDot to their advantage.


Bay Area Fit run coach for 2 years

4x Ironman
6x Ironman 70.3
6 marathons
22 half marathons

1st place age group 70.3 distance
1st place age group olympic
3rd place age group full Aquabike
Several other podium finishes